Pyroluria/Pyrrol Disorder

What is Pyroluria?
Pyroluria is sometimes called Pyrrole disorder or Kryptopyrroles syndrome.
Pyroluria is a genetic condition of haemoglobin metabolism, in which an individual produces a large number of Kryptopyrroles which attach themselves to zinc and vitamin B6 and prevent them from being used by the body. The cause of the condition is predominantly genetic; however, severe oxidative stress, poor diet or other underlying digestive issues problems can be the trigger. Illness, trauma, injuries, toxic metals, pesticides, industrial pollutants significantly increase oxidative stress. High level of stress may also contribute to this condition. The resulting deficiencies of vital nutrients of vitamin B6 and zinc may cause a myriad of symptoms.
Some patients have symptoms during childhood and are then often categorized as ADD/ADHD. Others can develop a variety of mood and/or behavioural syndromes over time.
What are the symptoms of Pyrroluria?
Anxiety, nervous exhaustion
Abnormal body fat distribution (fat around the middle)
Abdominal pain/spleen region
Affinity for spicy food/Intense food
Anger – explosive
Argumentative / angry
Brain Fog, poor short term memory
Broods/ overthinks
Creaking in joints
Dry skin/psoriasis
Early greying of hair
Emotionally unstable
Fearful/easily frightened
Frequent colds
Intolerance to some protein foods
Joint pain
Irregular menstrual cycle
Low libido
Male impotence
Mood swings (severe)
Morning nausea
Motion sickness
Higher activity in the evening than mornings
Nervous exhaustion
Overwhelmed by stressful situations
Pale skin, sunburn easily
Poor dream recall
Poor growth of hair on head, eyebrows, and eyelashes areas
Panic attacks
Paranoia (paranoid schizophrenia)
The tendency to skip breakfast, lack of morning appetite
Reading disorder
Seizures/ Epilepsy
Sensitivity to bright light, noises and smells
Skin sensitivity/must remove clothes tags
Severe inner tension
Social withdrawal
Substance abuse
Temper tantrums
Tendency towards iron-deficient anaemia
Unusual breath and body odour/ sweet smell
White marks on fingernails
You do not need to experience all symptoms to test positive for pyroluria.. You may only have a few pesonality traiits and symptoms.
How do you test for Pyroluria?
There is a simple laboratory test of urine that indicates the number of pyrroles per gram of creatinine.
Patients who complain of anxiety, anger explosion or other mental issues should rule out pyroluria by doing this simple test.
Patients with the appropriate dosage of nutrients report improvement of symptoms within the first few weeks of treatment.