Methylation Disorders

What is Methylation, and why should you care about it?
It doesn't sound straightforward. However, it is a simple biochemical process that takes place within the body all the time. Methylation involves adding a 'methyl group' onto other chemical compounds which then allows the body to do most of its processes. Methyl groups are the switches that switch a particular gene on or off and can prevent diseases or improve the specific condition.
When healthy Methylation occurs, it has a significant impact on many biochemical reactions in the body that regulate the activity of the cardiovascular, neurological, reproductive, and detoxification systems, including the following::
Oestrogen Production
DNA Production
Glutathione Production (master antioxidant)
Detoxification process
Neurotransmitters production
Mitochondria (energy production)
Histamine clearance
How do you know if you have methylation issues?
If your Methylation is imbalanced, you may experience
a myriad of different symptoms::
Hormonal imbalance: PCOS, Fibroids, Endometriosis, frequent miscarriage, infertility\
cardiovascular issues: hypertension, circulation issues,
autoimmune conditions: Parkinson's, Multiple sclerosis, Rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, Hashimoto, Inflammatory conditions such as IBD, digestive issues
Allergies: Histamine intolerance, environmental allergies-hay fever, hives, digestive issues
Mental Health- Various mental health issues, mood swings, depression, anxiety, bipolar, schizophrenia, OCD, ADD, ADHD, behavioural problems, learning difficulties, concentration issues, brain fog, dementia,
memory problems
Methylation is crucial for the production and metabolism of vital moods modulating chemicals in the body, such as dopamine, serotonin, epinephrine, and norepinephrine. Inefficient Methylation means inadequate levels of these
neurotransmitters, which can, in turn, lead to depression and myriad of other mental health issues as mentioned above.
How can you improve Methylation?
Diet and certain supplements(methyl donors) support
Methylation. The right diet can turn off specific genes and
reshape their genetic expression and therefore prevent disease.
We can transform our genetic destiny through the right diet,
supplements, restful sleep, detoxification, stress relief and
reduction of toxin exposure in our food, water, the air we
breathe and the right choice of cosmetics.
We can edit and rewrite our genetic predisposition to achieve
optimal health.
The essential gene in the methylation process is MTHFR.
SNP's (genetic change) in this gene can create several different health problems. Everything from anxiety, irritability, OCD issues, schizophrenia, congenital disabilities and cancer.
How do you test for Methylation?
There is a specific and innovative test that measures Methylation.
What causes methylation issues?
Several issues can affect our Methylation such as chronic stress, diet, chronic infection, long term exposure to toxic metals and other environmental toxins that can drive out the methyl group on the expense of specific methylation function.
Poor gut health and weak absorption can affect Methylation as crucial nutrients are not absorbed.
How gut health affects brain function?
There is a strong gut-brain connection. Sometimes we say that we have a "gut feeling" about something. Specialised neurone cells in the gut communicate with the brain. Sometimes we call it a second brain. Scientists call it GBA-Gut-Brain –Axis. It is two-way communication between the two organs. A critical link between the gut and the brain is the Vagus nerve. It is the second biggest nerve after the spine. It makes it possible for your brain and the gut to communicate with each other. Changes in the microbiome, driven by diet and environment, have a significant influence on brain function. 90% of the serotonin in the body is produced entirely in the gut. This neurotransmitter is responsible for your good feel mood and happiness. Healthy gut ensures healthy two-way communication between the gut and the brain.
How toxic- metals affect our Methylation?
Five toxic metals are of particular concern: arsenic, lead, mercury cadmium, chromium. Numerous studies show that these heavy metals may directly influence the activity of methylation and demethylation enzymes. Additionally, heavy metals may change the availability of methyl donors such as s-adenosylmethionine (SAMs), effectively blocking the methionine cycle.